Appendix 3: Fake Data Simulations

22.11 Performance of Blocking relative to a linear model

# use these to debug code

fake_lmm_data <- function(iterations=1000, sigma=1, sigma_b0=1, sigma_b1=1, beta_0=10, beta_1=1, n_batch=6, n_subsamp=10, y_label="y", trt_levels=c("cn","tr"), batch_label="block", confound=FALSE){
  # this function is constrained to simulate a single treatment with two levels
  #                   arguments 
  # iterations - number of datasets to generate
  # sigma: conditional error sd
  # sigma_b0: sd of random intercepts
  # sigma_b1: sd of random slope
  # beta_0: fixed intercept (mean of reference)
  # beta_1: fixed slope (difference tr - cn)
  # n_batch: number of batches
  # n_subsamp: number of observations per batch per treatment level
  # confound: FALSE is randomized complete block, TRUE is confounded case where
  #       there is only one treatment level per batch
  #                    output
  # A single matrix with each dataset stacked. The datasets are identified by
  # the first column ("data_id")
  if(sigma_b0==0){sigma_b0 <- 1e-10}
  if(sigma_b1==0){sigma_b1 <- 1e-10}
  n_iter <- iterations
  levels_per_batch <- ifelse(confound==FALSE, 2, 1)
  fake_data <- data.table(
    data_id = rep(1:n_iter, each=n_batch*n_subsamp*levels_per_batch),
    sigma = sigma,
    sigma_b0 = sigma_b0,
    sigma_b1 = sigma_b1,
    beta_0 = beta_0,
    beta_1 = beta_1,
    treatment = rep(rep(trt_levels, each=n_subsamp), n_batch*levels_per_batch/2*n_iter),
    batch = rep(rep(paste0("batch_", 1:(n_batch)), each=n_subsamp*levels_per_batch), n_iter),
    beta_0_j = rep(rnorm(n_batch*n_iter, mean=0, sd=sigma_b0), each=n_subsamp*levels_per_batch),
    beta_1_j = rep(rnorm(n_batch*n_iter, mean=0, sd=sigma_b1), each=n_subsamp*levels_per_batch),
    x = rep(rep(c(0, 1), each=n_subsamp), n_batch*levels_per_batch/2*n_iter),
    e = rnorm(n_subsamp*n_batch*levels_per_batch*n_iter, mean=0, sd=sigma)
  fake_data[, y:= (beta_0 + beta_0_j) + (beta_1 + beta_1_j)*x + e]
  setnames(fake_data, old=c("y", "batch"), new=c(y_label, batch_label))
  fake_data[, treatment := factor(treatment)]
# depending on parameterization, can get many "failed to converge"
# and "isSingular" warnings
write_it <- FALSE

n_iter <- 5000
beta_1_i <- 0  # 0 = Type I, !0 = Power.
confound_i <- FALSE # FALSE is randomized complete block, TRUE is confounded
 #case where there is only one treatment level per batch
n <- 3 # subsamples
k <- 8 # batches

# model_list <- c("lm_complete", "lm_mean", "lmm_slope", "lmm_inter")
model_list <- c("lm_complete", "lm_mean", "lmm_inter")

se <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_iter, ncol=length(model_list))
colnames(se) <- model_list
prob <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_iter, ncol=length(model_list))
colnames(prob) <- model_list
ci <- matrix(NA, nrow=n_iter, ncol=length(model_list))
colnames(ci) <- model_list

fd_set <- fake_lmm_data(n_iter, 
                        sigma = 1, 
                        sigma_b0 = 1, # 1 for big, 0.1 for small
                        sigma_b1 = 0.1, 
                        beta_0 = 10,
                        beta_1 = beta_1_i, 
                        n_batch = k, 
                        n_subsamp = n, 
                        confound = confound_i)

for(iter in 1:n_iter){
  fd <- fd_set[data_id==iter,]
  m1 <- lm(y ~ treatment, data=fd)
  m2 <- lm(y ~ treatment, data=fd[, .(y=mean(y)), by=.(treatment, block)])
  if("lmm_slope" %in% length(model_list)){
    m3 <- lmer(y ~ treatment + (treatment|block), data=fd)
    m3.pairs <- summary(contrast(emmeans(m3, specs="treatment"), method="revpairwise"), infer=c(TRUE, TRUE))
  m4 <- lmer(y ~ treatment + (1|block), data=fd)
  m4.pairs <- summary(contrast(emmeans(m4, specs="treatment"), method="revpairwise"), infer=c(TRUE, TRUE))

  se[iter, "lm_complete"] <- coef(summary(m1))["treatmenttr", "Std. Error"]
  se[iter, "lm_mean"] <- coef(summary(m2))["treatmenttr", "Std. Error"]
  if("lmm_slope" %in% length(model_list)){
    se[iter, "lmm_slope"] <- coef(summary(m3))["treatmenttr", "Std. Error"]
  se[iter, "lmm_inter"] <- coef(summary(m4))["treatmenttr", "Std. Error"]
  prob[iter, "lm_complete"] <- coef(summary(m1))["treatmenttr", "Pr(>|t|)"]
  prob[iter, "lm_mean"] <- coef(summary(m2))["treatmenttr", "Pr(>|t|)"]
  if("lmm_slope" %in% length(model_list)){
    prob[iter, "lmm_slope"] <- coef(summary(m3))["treatmenttr", "Pr(>|t|)"]
  prob[iter, "lmm_inter"] <- coef(summary(m4))["treatmenttr", "Pr(>|t|)"]
  ci[iter, "lm_complete"] <- confint(m1)["treatmenttr", 2] -
    confint(m1)["treatmenttr", 1]
  ci[iter, "lm_mean"] <- confint(m2)["treatmenttr", 2] -
    confint(m2)["treatmenttr", 1]
  if("lmm_slope" %in% length(model_list)){
    ci[iter, "lmm_slope"] <- m3.pairs[,"upper.CL"] - m3.pairs[,"lower.CL"]
  ci[iter, "lmm_inter"] <- m4.pairs[,"upper.CL"] - m4.pairs[,"lower.CL"]
  # m4.pairs.LT <- difflsmeans(m4, which="treatment", ddf="Kenward-Roger")
  # m4.pairs.LT[, "upper"] - m4.pairs.LT[, "lower"]

if(write_it ==TRUE){
  id <- paste(sample(c(letters, LETTERS), 4), collapse="")
  fn <- paste0("lmm_fd_beta1=", beta_1_i,
               "_id=", id,
  fp <- here("output", "chapter_lmm", fn)
  write.table(fd_set, fp, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
  fp <- here("output", "chapter_lmm", paste0("lmm_se-",id,".txt"))
  write.table(se, fp, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
  fp <- here("output", "chapter_lmm", paste0("lmm_prob-",id,".txt"))
  write.table(prob, fp, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
  fp <- here("output", "chapter_lmm", paste0("lmm_ci-",id,".txt"))
  write.table(ci, fp, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)

apply(se, 2, quantile, c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))
apply(prob, 2, function(x) sum(x<0.05)/n_iter)
apply(ci, 2, quantile, c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))

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  7. Sharon, G., Cruz, N.J., Kang, D.W., Gandal, M.J., Wang, B., Kim, Y.M., Zink, E.M., Casey, C.P., Taylor, B.C., Lane, C.J. and Bramer, L.M., 2019. Human Gut Microbiota from Autism Spectrum Disorder Promote Behavioral Symptoms in Mice. Cell, 177(6), pp.1600-1618.↩︎

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  10. fitted values are the predicted values, \(\hat{Y}\)↩︎

  11. the variance is less than that expected by the probability model↩︎

  12. the variance is greater than that expected by the probability model↩︎