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Shiny Apps


A plotting tool for researchers, instructors, and students combining data, distribution summary, model effects, and uncertainty in a single plot

R doodles

Some ecology. Some physiology. Much fake data.

What is an R doodle? An R doodle is a short script to check intuition or understanding. Almost always, this involves generating fake data.

Where can I find R doodles? Here. Some of these will be expanded into longer, interactive quasi-publications. Some of these might be fleshed out into manuscripts for archiving at PeerJ preprints or bioRχiv. Others will be expanded into Shiny apps. Some I might even submit for publication in a journal.

Interactive quasi-publications

exploring statistical methods in ecology and physiology with wee bits of R

Combining data, distribution summary, model effects, and uncertainty in a single plot Pre-preprint Shiny

Bias in pre-post designs – An example from the Turnbaugh et al (2006) mouse fecal transplant study Pre-preprint

Recent Publications and working papers

A full-list is found at my Google Scholar page. PDFs can be found at my Research Gate page.

Walker, J.A. (2017). On Model Averaging Partial Regression Coefficients. BioRxiv 133785. bioRxiv

Walker, J.A. (2016). Monte Carlo simulation of OLS and linear mixed model inference of phenotypic effects on gene expression. PeerJ 4, e2575. PeerJ

Walker, J.A., and Caddigan, S.P. (2015). Performance trade-offs and individual quality in decathletes. Journal of Experimental Biology 218, 3647–3657. JEB

Walker, J.A. (2014). The effect of unmeasured confounders on the ability to estimate a true performance or selection gradient (and other partial regression coefficients). Evolution 68, 2128–2136. Evolution

Walker, J.A., Alfaro, M.E., Noble, M.M., and Fulton, C.J. (2013). Body fineness ratio as a predictor of maximum prolonged-swimming speed in coral reef fishes. PLoS ONE 8, e75422. Evolution

Teaching Materials

Lots more to come

Statistics for the Experimental Biologist HTML

Data From – weekly posts analyzing data from the experimental bench biology literature HTML

Physics for Introductory Biology HTML

Quantitative Problems for Human Physiology HTML

An elementary explanation of confounding (a very working explanation) HTML

Getting started with R HTML

Bike Geometry Project – exploring and classifying gravel bike frame geometry HTML
