single factor with 2 levels, different mice in each treatment
~ treatment
single factor with > 2 levels, different mice in each treatment
~ treatment
one-way ANOVA
single factor with ≥ 2 levels and 1 continuous covariate, different mice in each treatment
~ treatment + weight
two factors, different mice in each treatment combination
~ treatment * genotype
two way ANOVA
single factor with 2 levels, heterogeneity, different mice in each treatment
~ treatment,
weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | treatment)
|Welch t-test
single factor with ≥ 2 levels, heterogeneity, different mice in each treatment
~ treatment,
weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | treatment)
|multiple Welch t-tests
single factor with 2 levels, all treatments measured in each batch, n = 1 for each batch by treatment combination
~ treatment + (1 | id)
paired t-test
single factor with > 2 levels, all treatments measured in each batch, n = 1 for each batch by treatment combination
~ treatment + (1 | id)
repeated measures ANOVA (univariate model)
single factor with > 2 levels, all treatments measured in each batch, n = 1 for each batch by treatment combination
~ treatment + (1 | id),
correlation = CorSymm(form = ~ 1 | id),
weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | treatment
|repeated measures ANOVA (multivariate model
single factor with ≥ 2 levels, all treatments measured in each batch, n > 1 for each batch by treatment combination
~ treatment + (1 | experiment_id) + (1 | experiment_id:treatment)
two-way mixed-effect ANOVA
single factor with ≥ 2 levels, all treatments measured in each batch, n > 1 for each batch by treatment combination
~ treatment + (treatment | experiment_id)